Thursday 29 March 2007

Plan for April 2007

30th March Edinburgh to Heathrow to Doha to Kathmandu

31st March Arrive Kathmandu, Summit Hotel

1st April Fly to Lukla, trek - Poyan 2,800m

2nd April Cross the Poyan Khola, climb up to ridge overlooking Khare Khola, then down to Pangkongma (2,846m), farming and trading village.

3rd April Views to Takshindu monastery, then Mera. Up through forest, steep descent, cross wire rope bridge over the Kinku Khola, steep climb to Nashing Dingma (2,600m)

4th April Gain height through pasture then steeper climb to Surke La.
Continue to Chalem Kharka (3,600m). Missing my wedding anniversary oooops.

5th April Up through high grazing country. Views of Kangchenjunga and Jannu. Climb to Panch Pokari then descend to Chunbu Kharka (4,200m)

6th April Rest Day at Chunbu Kharka. Relaxation or scrambling on nearby rocky outcrops.

7th April Contour then series of steep desents through scree then rhododendron. Descent into Hinku Valley

8th April Follow dry riverbed up the valley to Tangnag (4,360m)
Tricky river crossing using a fallen log to balance our way over!

9th April Gain height gradually to Dig Kharka (4,650m) close to the foot of the Hinku Nup Glacier.

10th April Acclimatisation day, trip onto the glacier (5,100m).
"Ecole de glace" crampon and ice axe practice.

11th April Climb up to the Mera La (5,400m) and onto the Mera Glacier.
Establish base camp on the far side of the pass.

12th April Acclimatisation day (5,300m).
"Ecole de glace" on the snout of the glacier that descends from the Mera La.

13th April Climb to high camp (5,800m) (rocky picture above). Easy angled snow slopes, round crevasses.

14th April Mera Peak ascent (6,476m)
Views towards Everest (pictured above), Makalu, Nupse, Lhotse wall.

15th April Extra day to allow for bad weather or additional summit attempts.

16th to 19th April Return direct route crossing the Zatrwa La Pass (4,600m) to Lukla

20th April Fly to Kathmand, Hair-raising take-off! 45min flight

21st April Kathmandu, Invited to British Embassy for afternoon tea

22nd April Kathmandu

23rd to 27th April Kakani Project, Travel to Kakani, 25Km and N/W of Kathmandu meeting Guides & Scouts, Community work. Medical / Teaching / Landscaping teams.

28th April Return to Kathmandu via Doha to Manchester

29th April Arrive Manchester, Drive North Alamo Car Rental

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my my my! What a wonderful life you lead, to be able to get up and go is just fantastic and we are all very proud of your achievements . We shall follow your progress throughout via your blog and keep an ear to the ground with regards to the family, getting second-hand info via the MacCormick Clan. Love and best wishes (and I hope Graeme you are writing a part for me ) Billy Mack