Friday 6 April 2007

Day of Rest

The team will have arrived at Chunbu Kharka this evening and will have had views of Jannu (above) along the way. I'm sure they'll all be looking forward to tomorrow as it's a rest day (although the guide leader I know best can't stay still long enough for it to be called resting - maybe if they get two porters to sit on her it might work).
I'm not sure when (if) we are going to get news of the team's actual progress (as opposed to my virtual trek). I think they were going to use the satellite phone to update the Adventure Works office and we were going to get an e-mail but I don't know how frequently - maybe they're saving it for summit day!


Nunns said...

I think they will need the rest! The Virtual Trek is very interesting to get a concept of the trip look forward to seeing actual pictures and hearing from the Team if possible... I did wonder about the technology.
Jan Nunn (Girlguiding Edgbaston, Birmingham)

Bex said...

Really pleased you're doing the virtual trek Graeme. Helps keep us in touch with Kristine and what she should be up to.

And you're absolutely right about the likelihood of Kristine actually resting - seems unlikely!!