Friday 20 April 2007

Fab News!!

Hi everyone!

This is great news! I am so glad to hear from her! It is so good to hear her voice again! Today I had my first lesson on my cycling proficiency.



Anonymous said...

Well done, Kristine - fantastic account!! You're description of being inside the tent and hearing noise outside reminded me of Graeme and I at the Kingshouse recently (except that it was raining, we were only going up the Ben and, worse of all, the noise was Bob) - sounded like a large day. Really looking forward to the photos/video when you get back - maybe we could book you for an SCC lecture (double bill with Andy K might be interesting.....)

Anonymous said...

Graeme,Rona,Cameron and Hannah

What a back up team you have been!! I am sure it was great to hear Mums voice and know it won't be long till you see her in person and not laminated!!

Love Mum(Granny)