Sunday 15 April 2007

News from the front

Just back from hols to an e-mail from Annie, the text of which is below:

We've had a phone call from Nepal, they had a satellite phone call and were told-
16 people made high camp, 7 tried for the summit and 2 people made it to the top. they are all now coming down safe and well, and are expected down at least one day early. Unfortunately they could not get the names of all these people but hopefully I will get an email soon.


Great to hear some news and that everyone is OK. However high the various team members got, I'm sure they've all had a fantastic experience and we're really proud of them all. I'm looking forward to all the stories!

Don Whillans, the great Himalayan climber, was talking about pushing yourself too far to get to the summit and putting yourself in danger when he said "The mountain will be there next year, the trick is to make sure you are".


Bex said...

Good to know that everyone is down safe and well. 2 successful summiteers is great. And as you say, better safe than over ambitious.

Hope you and the little people had a good holiday too.


Stella said...

Good to see that the summit didn't beat the lot of them! After all it took a whole team to climb Everest the first time, and only two made it to the top. So they are in good company. Just hope someone took a picture!

Only a few days to go for us five joining them for the Community Project. Then no doubt we will get to hear what really happened along the way.


graeme said...

Thanks Rebecca, we had a great time (although the kids were missing their mum - and so was I!).

Good luck Stella - watch Kristine in the Kathmandu bars; our friend (that lived in Nepal for 3 years) was recommending night spots to visit - Kristine will have been without wine for 3 weeks - potential for disaster!
