Thursday 19 April 2007

Hold the front page!!!

I’ve just had a phone call from Kristine! It was so good to hear her voice.

It sounds like they’ve all had a fantastic trip but there was too much information to squeeze into the short call.

Kristine, Helen, Jessica and Mary were on rope number two going for the summit. They set off at 3am with the temperature at –38°C. Kristine said that the stars looked so close she thought she could touch them. They saw dawn break over Everest and reached a height of 6245m (just 400m short of the summit) before they turned back because of the altitude and lack of time. Rope number one had three of the team, one of whom turned back but the other two made it to the summit. However, we got cut off before she told me their names. Sorry! She’s phoning back tonight.

She also said that four French climbers set out for the summit at the same time as them but only one made it to the top. Three of the French guys got frostbite but none of our team were affected by it.

They’re now all back in the luxury of Kathmandu for a couple of days. Kristine was saying there’s a beauty parlour in the hotel and she’s just had her legs waxed ready for wearing her shorts - it's no longer -38°C, it's now +32°C!

More news tonight!

Kristine's phoned again - those on rope number one were Brigitte, Margaret and Amy. Amy turned back with Kristine, Helen, Mary and Jessica - Margaret and Brigitte went on to the summit. Well done to them and everyone on the team.


Anonymous said...

Great to hear that they're all well! Pass on our best wishes, a great effort.

When are they back?

Bob & family
PS - Ask Kristine to keep her leg hair so you can have it transplanted into your silky mane.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristine
How cool are you (very). I am just glad that you're not returning with any frostbitten body parts or anything missing. Well, except your hairy bits, you can leave them behind. Mum and Dad and all us Pauls are very proud of your amazing achievement. Hope to speak soon.
Lots of love
Your wee sis x

Anonymous said...

Alistair says

Absolutely fabulous news!!! I can just imagine the phone call - Kristine in full flight - I hope the verbal looseness is the only kind she suffers from now that they are all back to the fleshpots of Katmandhu.
Enjoyed Bob's comment about the leg hair - I could do with some too and it is probably a better match!!
Congratulations to Kristine and to Graeme too for keeping the home fires burning.
Love to all from all the MacCormicks.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news- Congrads to all the team including the home backup sector.
We look forward to hearing the uncensored details when you Kristine gets home. Embellishment is allowed but I am sure that it will be unecessary.We wish you all a sweet and safe journey home.
Joan and Donal

Anonymous said...

So good that you've heard from Kristine now. Not a great surprise that she made a summit bid - and got so close. Really good news to hear that all are safe and well and that all enjoyed it. Congrats to the 2 intrepid climbers who made it to the top.

Did Kristine say how tea with the Ambassador was - or is that tomorrow?